Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Solid Footing

Jack Frost seems to have come again.  As the temperatures drop and the ground freezes over Strype Barristers LLP urges everyone to be careful when out and about.


The OPP say that since Friday evening they've responded to more than 1,600 crashes, including three fatal, and numerous personal injury wrecks.

The Ontario Provincial Police said the crashes include three fatal collisions, and eight police cars were struck by passing motorists during the incidents, injuring two officers.

It is easy to find ourselves rushing around in our daily routines, however making sure you leave yourself enough time to get to your destination safely is important. With the cold weather comes ice and it is easy to slip and fall, hurting yourself in the process.   

We encourage everyone to take the time to ensure your safety as temperatures dip and the roads and sidewalks become hazardous and slippery. 

Wishing everyone a safe and warm week from StrypeBarristers LLP.