Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Toronto cops won't attend minor crashes

By , Toronto Sun

TORONTO - Unable to keep up with the ever-increasing number of fender-benders in the city, cops have decided minor crashes will no longer be investigated.

Toronto Police say the new hands-off approach to minor collisions will be implemented starting next week.

“We’ve decreased the type of calls we’re going to respond to because of the rise in total number of collisions in recent years,” Const. Clint Stibbe, of Traffic Services, said Tuesday. “The current model is no longer sustainable.”

In 2015, cops responded to nearly 64,000 collisions — an increase of more than 6,000 crashes from two years earlier.

And Stibbe said about 70% of all crashes are minor.

As of next Tuesday, Stibbe said motorists involved in collisions where the combined damage is under $2,000 no longer need to notify police or a collision reporting centre.

Read whole article here: